It is possible from the below reference. However, it works well with vector, but not Array{Float64, 2}
. Do you have any idea?
julia> using Parameters, Base;
julia> Base.@kwdef mutable struct R
Br::Vector{Float64} = [0,0,0]
#Ls::Array{Float64, 2} = [0,0,0; 0,0,0; 0,0,0]
julia> u = R()
R([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
julia> Base.@kwdef mutable struct R
Ls::Array{Float64, 2} = [0,0,0; 0,0,0; 0,0,0]
ERROR: syntax: unexpected semicolon in array expression around util.jl:450
[1] top-level scope
@ REPL[6]:1