Hi CRquantum! And welcome to the Julia discourse!
Having global variables is not considered the best practice because it makes code difficult to track. The other disadvantage is that unless it has a constant type it will affect your performance. But this is what I think you are trying to solve. If you still want to do this, you can use Ref:
global const var = Ref{Float64}(0.0) # Store it into a `Ref` which it's mutable but has a constant type
function f(x::Float64)
global var[] = 2.0*x
return nothing
var[] #prints 4.0
And it doesn’t accept values of other types:
julia> var[] = "hola"
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type String to an object of type Float64
Closest candidates are:
convert(::Type{T}, ::Base.TwicePrecision) where T<:Number at twiceprecision.jl:250
convert(::Type{T}, ::AbstractChar) where T<:Number at char.jl:180
convert(::Type{T}, ::CartesianIndex{1}) where T<:Number at multidimensional.jl:136