How can I redirect the output from a function that calls `ProgressMeter` to an `Observable` variable?

There’s an (long standing) open issue to support using IOBuffer directly, but as far as I can tell, it does not yet support it.

The Progress type supports specifying an output, but given it expects an IOStream, I think it will run into the same issue.

Thankfully, there’s a package that provides with a good workaround, courtesy of the discussion here

using ProgressMeter
using Observables
using Suppressor

function my_func()
    @showprogress 1 "Computing..." for i in 1:50

x = Observable("")

x[] = @capture_err begin

# Computing... 100%|███████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:05

The captured output may not be “clean” (I’m not sure what happens if outputs span multiple lines for example), so that needs to be handled somehow if it’s an issue.

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