function is_right_handed_orthonormal(x, y, z)
R = [x y z]
R*R' ≈ I && det(R) ≈ 1
rot3d(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
Calculate the rotation matrix that needs to be applied on the reference frame (ax, ay, az) to match
the reference frame (bx, by, bz).
All parameters must be 3-element vectors. Both refrence frames must be orthogonal,
all vectors must already be normalized.
Source: [TRIAD_Algorithm](
function rot3d(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
@assert is_right_handed_orthonormal(ax, ay, az)
@assert is_right_handed_orthonormal(bx, by, bz)
R_ai = [ax az ay]
R_bi = [bx bz by]
return R_bi * R_ai'
The other thing to be aware of is that you are using ≈ with the default tolerances (about 1e-8 for Float64), so it will allow through matrices that are not orthogonal to the full accuracy. On the other hand, if you’re only using this for a sanity check then it should be reasonable.
Note that this can be simplified to R_ai = [ax az ay], which is essentially equivalent to an hcat call.
I am modifying my code a lot every day, and sometimes I make mistakes with the signs. I just want to catch this before getting stuck with follow-up errors. I just want to increase the trust in my results.
Just for future information, here is our implementation of TRIAD:
triad(v_b::AbstractVector, v_a::AbstractVector, w_b::AbstractVector, w_a::AbstractVector; minimum_sine::Number) -> Bool, DCM
Compute the direction cosine matrix that rotates the coordinate system `a` into alignment
with the coordinate system `b` considering the measured vectors in `b` `v_b` and `w_b`, and
the reference vectors in `a` `v_a` and `w_a`.
The keyword `minimum_sine` contains the minimum value for the sine of the angle between the
vectors that allow the TRIAD computation. If those angles do not meet this criteria, nothing
will be computed.
# Returns
- `Bool`: `true` if TRIAD could be executed, `false` otherwise.
- `DCM`: DCM computed by TRIAD. If TRIAD could not be computed, the identity matrix is
function triad(
minimum_sine::Number = 0.5
) where {T1<:Number, T2<:Number, T3<:Number, T4<:Number}
T = promote_type(T1, T2, T3, T4)
# Make sure `minimum_sine` is positive and larger than 0.001 (5°).
sine_threshold = max(T(minimum_sine), T(0.001))
# == Auxiliary Variables ===============================================================
v_a_norm = norm(v_a)
w_a_norm = norm(w_a)
v_b_norm = norm(v_b)
w_b_norm = norm(w_b)
# To avoid division by zero, we must make sure that the norm is at least 1e-6.
norm_threshold = 1e-6
if ((v_a_norm < norm_threshold) ||
(w_a_norm < norm_threshold) ||
(v_b_norm < norm_threshold) ||
(w_b_norm < norm_threshold))
return false, DCM{T}(I)
v_x_w_a = v_a × w_a
v_x_w_b = v_b × w_b
v_x_w_a_norm = norm(v_x_w_a)
v_x_w_b_norm = norm(v_x_w_b)
# == Input Verification ================================================================
# We must check the angle between the vectors in `a` and `b` reference systems because
# of the noise.
sin_wb_b = v_x_w_b_norm / (v_b_norm * w_b_norm)
sin_wb_b < sine_threshold && return false, DCM{T}(I)
sin_wb_a = v_x_w_a_norm / (v_a_norm * w_a_norm)
sin_wb_a < sine_threshold && return false, DCM{T}(I)
# == TRIAD =============================================================================
t₁_b = v_b / v_b_norm
t₁_a = v_a / v_a_norm
t₂_b = v_x_w_b / v_x_w_b_norm
t₂_a = v_x_w_a / v_x_w_a_norm
t₃_b = t₁_b × t₂_b
t₃_a = t₁_a × t₂_a
M_b = DCM(
t₁_b[1], t₂_b[1], t₃_b[1],
t₁_b[2], t₂_b[2], t₃_b[2],
t₁_b[3], t₂_b[3], t₃_b[3]
M_a = DCM(
t₁_a[1], t₂_a[1], t₃_a[1],
t₁_a[2], t₂_a[2], t₃_a[2],
t₁_a[3], t₂_a[3], t₃_a[3]
return true, M_b * M_a'
Interesting. I hadn’t run across that before. FYI, I’ve implemented another algorithm in my quaternion package here that has always worked well for me — apparently called Davenport’s method. I guess TRIAD looks like it would be a bit faster, though that’s not usually my concern. But I would also guess that Davenport’s method is probably more robust.