Above code block doesn’t work anymore under ModelingToolkit v9.61.0
(Julia 1.11.3) but works with a few adjustments.
duration = 5.0
tspan = (0.0, duration)
dt = 0.02
ts = 0:dt:duration
G_EARTH = Float64[0.0, -0.0, -9.81] # gravitational acceleration
G_MOON = G_EARTH * 0.166
# model
@variables (pos(t))[1:3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # defaults to 'at rest at origin'
@variables (vel(t))[1:3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
@variables (acc(t))[1:3] # NO defaults as balanced by force!
@parameters (force)[1:3] # do not provide default or structural_simplify will remove eqs where f=0 !
eqs = [
collect( D.(pos) .~ vel )... # .~ instead of just ~ !
collect( D.(vel) .~ acc )...
collect( acc .~ force )...
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
simple_sys = structural_simplify(sys)
u0 = [ pos=>[0.,0.,0.], vel=>[0.,0.,+10.0] ] # MTK unknows are pos & vel: unknowns(simple_sys)
p0 = [[0.,0.,-9.81]] # [G_EARTH]
prob = ODEProblem(simple_sys, u0, tspan, p0)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), dt=dt, saveat=ts)
When constructing as a component block it becomes as follows (I added a force as well as default gravity). Note the requirement to state the initial condition keys as symbolic :pos
and :vel
if using the Dict version of u0
# model as component
@component function TestMass3D(;name, m, g=G_EARTH)
vars = @variables begin
(pos(t))[1:3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # defaults to 'at rest at origin'
(vel(t))[1:3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
(acc(t))[1:3] # NO defaults as balanced by force!
pars = @parameters (force)[1:3] # do not provide default or structural_simplify will remove eqs where f=0 !
eqs = [
collect( D.(pos) .~ vel )...
collect( D.(vel) .~ acc )...
collect( acc .~ force./m .+ g )...
return ODESystem(eqs, t, vars, pars;name)
@named sys = TestMass3D(m=1, g= G_MOON)
simple_sys = structural_simplify(sys)
u0 = [ :pos=>[0.,0.,0.], :vel=>[0.,0.,+10.0] ] # MTK unknows are pos & vel: check with unknowns(simple_sys)
p0 = [ [0.,0.,+2.] ] # note vector inside array as only 1 parameter
prob = ODEProblem(simple_sys, u0, tspan, p0)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), dt=dt, saveat=ts)
(this also links with https://discourse.julialang.org/t/broadcast-inside-of-mtkmodel-macro-causes-precompilation-failures-when-put-into-a-package/107277/18