I wanted to write the same, but now, looking at the code (@edit dump(r)
) I found a maxdepth argument
dump(r, maxdepth = 20)
I wanted to write the same, but now, looking at the code (@edit dump(r)
) I found a maxdepth argument
dump(r, maxdepth = 20)
Cool, was looking for exactly that!
(good opportunity for a first PR if anyone wants to edit the documentation … … … … … ): (edit: documented on trunk document maxdepth keyword for dump (#24288) by jw3126 · Pull Request #24378 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub)
This was really helpful. I’m not OP and I have read the metaprogramming section of the manual (multiple times), but I still don’t really understand macros intuitively, deep in my heart. That’s probably still true, but posts like this help chip away at the confusion. Thanks!
I would recommend On Lisp to anyone who really wants to learn macros, and is willing to put in some time and effort.
I have an open issue for exactly that enhancement of the docs.
Apologies for shameless self-promotion, but I produced some tutorial-type material on metaprogramming that may be useful:
Also check out my recent blog post.
Fantastic post!