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@Tamas_Papp OK, I’ll try to be less abstract. I’ve just opened another topic about a chess game. I decided to create another topic for the question because it does not fully belong to this one.
I have experience with Python for Data Analysis and I understand that Julia can be a full substitute for Python but I have no experience with creating programs so I ask questions above.
To be less abstract, I can try to clarify what I want to know. For example, Python is slow, so it can’t be used for big computation (if we don’t include Python libraries that are written in C++, etc). Also, Python cannot be used to create programs like games with an interface as I know (correct me, if no). Also one can’t use python to create software with closed code. And C++ has some problems such as difficulties with dependencies, difficult code, etc. They are all limits. I want to know Julia’s limits.
Also, I’m sorry that I’m asking almost the same questions several times. It certainly looks dumb, but I don’t receive enough information (although thank you all, now I understand more), so I try to rephrase questions to get the answers.
@Palli Yes, I know that Julia is good for robotics. It’s the main reason why I’m here.