Here’s another approach that also lets you specify the maximum absolute error between the piecewise linear interpolant and the original function. It uses the amazing ApproxFun
piecewise(fun, a, b, maxerr)
Return a vector of points on the interval `[a,b]` at which a piecewise linear interpolant
to the function `fun` will yield a maximum absolute error at most `maxerr`, using the `ApproxFun` package.
function piecewise(fun, a, b, maxerr)
dom = Domain(a..b)
f = Fun(fun, dom)
ya, yb = fun(a), fun(b)
m = (yb-ya)/(b-a)
flinear = Fun(x -> m*(x-a) + ya, dom)
extr = extrema(flinear-f)
err = maximum(abs.(extr))
if err ≤ maxerr
l = piecewise(fun, a, (a+b)/2, maxerr)
r = piecewise(fun, (a+b)/2, b, maxerr)
vcat(l, r[2:end]) # eliminate duplicate midpoint
Here is an example of its use:
using ApproxFun
using Plots
f(x) = x*sin(1/x)
fun = f
a, b = 0.03, 0.2
maxerr = 0.002
knots = piecewise(fun, a, b, maxerr)
fknots = fun.(knots)
plot(range(a, b, length=500), fun, label = "Original Function")
scatter!(knots, fknots, label = "Interp. Knots")
plot!(knots, fknots, label = "Linear Interp.")