Help with macro to construct truth tables

Hello @savq and welcome.

You’re much more likely to get help if you show us a minimal working example of the proble, you’re facing. Please read: make it easier to help you

In this case, if you could make a simple example of the code that produces the problem that we can actually run on our machines, it’s much easier to help.

That said, I think in this case I can guess what the problem is even though the code you posted doesn’t actually have the error. The problem is essentially a difference between this macro:

julia> macro foo(args...)
@foo (macro with 1 method)

and this macro:

julia> macro bar(args...)
@bar (macro with 1 method)

Here’s the difference:

julia> x, y = 1, 2
(1, 2)

julia> @foo x y
(1, 2)

julia> @bar x y
(:x, :y)

Now, where this mistake may have been made in your code is anyone’s guess.