Help setting up Julia on a cluster

I recently went through the same learning process on my university’s cluster, and your second question was the hardest part for me. I found the easiest way was to submit to one of the queues using a PBS submit script that tells Julia where to find all the processors via the PBS nodefile. Here’s a minimum working example PBS script:

#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=12,walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -N test_julia
#PBS -q debug

echo PBS: node file is $PBS_NODEFILE
julia --machinefile=$PBS_NODEFILE /path/to/your/home/dir/test_julia.jl
echo "finished"

I called this file test_julia.pbs. When you submit this job (i.e., by running qsub test_julia.pbs from your login prompt) the Julia process starts up with all the processors (48 in this case) available, as if you’d started it on your laptop with julia -p 2 or whatever. For completeness, here’s test_julia.jl, which has minimum working examples for basic batch-processing tasks:

println("Hello from Julia")
np = nprocs()
println("Number of processes: $np")

for i in workers()
    host, pid = fetch(@spawnat i (gethostname(), getpid()))
    println("Hello from process $(pid) on host $(host)!")

tasks = randn(np * 30)

@everywhere begin
    function foo(x)
        return x * 4

results = pmap(foo, tasks)

println(round(results, 3))

for i in workers()

Hope that helps!