Woahhhhh This is pretty much it!
Anyone Here Knowing about Starlight.jl? Seems like it’s got the Potential.
Why is it a dependency then?
It’s not
Alright, I went back and found the code and it runs alright!
Not sure that any of this is particularly “good practice”, but here it is. It essentially just a demo of exploring Layered.jl (from the examples, I think?) running in a Gtk window. It’s not very well organized, apologies.
What it does is display a variety of objects in a window, and is interactive. When you click somewhere on the canvas, a new circle is created.
using Layered
import Cairo
const C = Cairo
import Gtk, Graphics
const G = Gtk
function draw_canvas(layer::Layer, canvas::Canvas, surface::C.CairoSurface)
context, canvasmatrix = Layered._prep_context(canvas, surface)
Layered.draw!(context, canvasmatrix, layer)
c, l = canvas(250, 250; color = "tomato")
c1 = circle!(l, O, 50) + Fill("firebrick1")
colors = range(colorant"red", stop=colorant"darkred", length=3)
for i in 1:3
circ = Layered.circle(-X(25 * i) -Y(5 * i),
50 - (i * 8)) + Fill(colors[i])
pushfirst!(l, circ)
c3 = circle!(l, Y(80), 20) + Fill("red")
lines!(outertangents, l, c1, c3) + Linestyle(:dashed)
txt!(l, c1) do ctx
Txt(ctx.center, "Layered.jl", 14.0, :c, :c, deg(0))
end + Textfill("white")
polys = polygons() do
ps = P.(grid(-100:20:100, -100:20:100)...)
ncross.(ps, 8, 5, 0.3)
end + Fill("white", 0.3) + Stroke(nothing)
pushfirst!(l, polys)
rect!(l, O, 50, 50) + Fill(Gradient(Y(20), P(-20, 20), colorant"green", colorant"springgreen"))
origin = polygon!(l) do
ncross(O, 4, 5, 0.3)
end + Fill("black")
function addcircle!(point)
circ = circle!(l, point, 15) + Fill("white")
G.draw(canv, true)
canv = G.@GtkCanvas()
win = G.GtkWindow(canv, "Canvas")
# canv.backcc = drawing context
# canv.back = drawing surface
surface = canv.back
G.@guarded G.draw(canv) do widget
draw_canvas(l, c, canv.back)
canv.mouse.button1press = G.@guarded (widget, event) -> begin
@show c.size
p = (Point(event.x, event.y) - (Point(c.size) / 2))
point = Point(p.x, -p.y)
@show point
For the purposes of creating a window, the part you may find interesting is:
canv = G.@GtkCanvas()
win = G.GtkWindow(canv, "Canvas")
# canv.backcc = drawing context
# canv.back = drawing surface
surface = canv.back
G.@guarded G.draw(canv) do widget
draw_canvas(l, c, canv.back)
canv.mouse.button1press = G.@guarded (widget, event) -> begin
@show c.size
p = (Point(event.x, event.y) - (Point(c.size) / 2))
point = Point(p.x, -p.y)
@show point