I got it to work! Though I couldn’t get the Turing implementation to work, it just spun and spun even with 1 particle and 1 iteration (I’m on Windows 7). I did get the original code to work though. The “get()” function only appends to a vector to make it the length desired. However, this was not getting the index of the population. For example, if only pop. 1 and 3 were part of X then the frequency of the alleles should have something in 1 and 3 but 0 in 2. Prior it would put data in 2 and set 3 to 0.
There was also an error in indexing X1/2 in P.
using CSVFiles, DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, CategoricalArrays,
StatsBase, Distributions, Random, FreqTables, BenchmarkTools,
Turing, MCMCChain
data = DataFrame(load("https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/CASI_files/DATA/haplotype.csv"));
snps = hcat(getfield(data, :columns)[3:end]...)
a = similar(snps, Bool)
b = similar(snps, Bool)
for (index, snp) in enumerate(snps)
a[index], b[index] =
if snp === missing
false, false
elseif snp == 0
false, false
elseif snp == 1
x = rand(Bool)
x, !x
elseif snp == 2
true, true
error("All snps must be 0, 1, 2, or missing")
X1 = DataFrame(a * 1)
X2 = DataFrame(b * 1)
rename!(X1, [f => t for (f, t) = zip(names(X1), col_names)])
rename!(X2, [f => t for (f, t) = zip(names(X2), col_names)]);
N = size(data_snp)[1] # num. of obs
M = size(data_snp)[2] # num. of variables
J = 3 # num. of latent populations
Q_prior = Dirichlet(ones(J))
Q = transpose(rand(Q_prior, N))
P_prior = Beta() # equivalent to Beta(1, 1)
P = hcat(rand(P_prior, M), rand(P_prior, M), rand(P_prior, M))
P = P ./ sum(P, dims = 2)
function Z_cond(X1, X2, P, Q)
N = size(X1, 1)
M = size(X1, 2)
z1 = Vector{Float64}(undef, 3)
z2 = Vector{Float64}(undef, 3)
Z1 = Matrix(undef, N, M)
Z2 = Matrix(undef, N, M)
for n in 1:N
for m in 1:M
for j in 1:3
z1[j] = Q[n, j] * (abs(X1[n, m] - 1) + P[m, j])
z2[j] = Q[n, j] * (abs(X2[n, m] - 1) + P[m, j])
z1 = z1 ./ sum(z1)
z2 = z2 ./ sum(z2)
mult1 = Multinomial(1, z1)
mult2 = Multinomial(1, z2)
Z1[n, m] = findall(x -> x == 1, rand(mult1, 1))[1][1]
Z2[n, m] = findall(x -> x == 1, rand(mult2, 1))[1][1]
return Z1, Z2
function P_cond(X1, X2, Z1, Z2)
p = Vector{Float64}(undef, 3)
M = size(X1, 2)
P = Matrix(undef, M, 3)
for i in 1:M
n11 = freqtable(Z1[findall(x -> x == 1, X1[:, i]), i])
n01 = freqtable(Z1[findall(x -> x == 0, X1[:, i]), i])
n12 = freqtable(Z2[findall(x -> x == 1, X2[:, i]), i])
n02 = freqtable(Z2[findall(x -> x == 0, X2[:, i]), i])
n1 = to_fill(n11) + to_fill(n12)
n0 = to_fill(n01) + to_fill(n02)
@. p = rand(Beta(1 + n1, 1 + n0))
p = p / sum(p)
P[i, :] = p
return P
function Q_cond(X1, X2, Z1, Z2)
X1 = convert(Array, X1)
X2 = convert(Array, X2)
N = size(X1, 1)
Q = Matrix(undef, N, 3)
for i in 1:N
m = Vector{Int64}(undef, 3)
m1 = freqtable(Z1[i, findall(x -> x == 1, X1[i, :])])
m2 = freqtable(Z2[i, findall(x -> x == 1, X2[i, :])])
m = to_fill(m1) + to_fill(m2)
q = Dirichlet(1 .+ m)
Q[i, :] = transpose(rand(q, 1))
return Q
function gibb(X1, X2, n, m)
N = size(X1, 1) # num. of obs
M = size(X1, 2) # num. of variables
J = 3 # num. of latent populations
iter = n + m
m = 0
dir = Dirichlet(ones(J))
Q = transpose(rand(dir, N))
Q_acc = deepcopy(Q)
β = Beta() # equivalent to Beta(1, 1)
P = hcat(rand(β, M), rand(β, M), rand(β, M))
P = P ./ sum(P, dims = 2)
# burn-in n iterations
# draw and calculate mean on m iterations (post burn-in)
for i in 1:iter
Z = Z_cond(X1, X2, P, Q)
P = P_cond(X1, X2, Z[1], Z[2])
Q = Q_cond(X1, X2, Z[1], Z[2])
if i > n
m += 1
Q_acc += Q
return Z, P, Q, Q_acc/m
function to_fill(freq_table)
fill = [0; 0; 0]
for (i, j) in enumerate(intersect([1, 2, 3], names(freq_table)[1]))
fill[j] = freq_table[i]
return fill
burnin = gibb(X1, X2, 2000, 2000)
save("gibbs_output.csv", DataFrame(burnin[4]))