Getting julia support to Kaggle

Can you post the survey link? So we can help.

I haven’t seen the link posted generally, but been getting the personalized invitation and reminders from Kaggle via email. I think if you have an account, you might be receiving those or maybe if you log-in to your account, you might have the option to fill it out.

Why wait for Kaggle anyway? Couldn’t Julialang or any Julia community launch its own competitions?

Julia competitions would also promote Julia language and the prize money does not need to be huge – or even money at all – also, soon or later, there will be some research institution or private organization interested in Julia competitions for their own benefit.

Competition is a great motivator, it could just very well happen that Kaggle sees Julia competitions as a threat for their business model and give support to Julia right away as a precaution.

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BlackRock seems to be a happy camper, and no small fish…

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for reason similar to why you can’t “just launch your own Twitter”, the technology is not the problem, but the most valuable part of a platform like Kaggle is its content, shared and communicated between its large amount of users (who are not using Julia necessarily).

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There is currently a Kaggle competition that is one of the few that allow “any” language… Lux AI | Kaggle

I have started a draft PR to add a Julia starter kit as a first step to making it easier to work on Julia submissions to that competition here


I can actually launch my own Twitter, and I would certainly do so if I had a network of users to populate it.

The network of Julia users already exists, we don’t need to wait for the Tensorflow/Pytorch crowd to switch to Julia for competitions in Julia to make sense.

The Kaggle folks commented as recently as April that they don’t plan to support languages beyond R and Python:

If folks are interest in publicly supporting this initiative:

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As keeps getting better day by day - perhaps all we will need is a Kaggle.jl package to pull datasets for analysis. Of course, Julia Computing cannot give out free compute the way Google can (yet!).


By the way, is there a similar initiative for Julia in leetcode?

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maybe Julia | The Codewars Docs can be useful for now

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Pay attention to the new survey in kaggle for 2022.


I filled out the 2022 survey, but the past years’ results aren’t promising with Julia hovering around 1%.

Yeah, considering the bias of the Kaggle community, most of the people are not using Julia, but at least if we can show consistent improvement through time in every survey, there still is an opportunity.


Yep, until today no signs of julia support on kaggle. :frowning:

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