I took a crack at translating this code into Julia using the JpegTurbo.jl package I linked above:
import JpegTurbo: LibJpeg
import JpegTurbo.LibJpeg: DCTSIZE
function jpeg_read_coefficients(io::IO)
cinfo = LibJpeg.jpeg_decompress_struct()
jerr = Ref{LibJpeg.jpeg_error_mgr}()
cinfo.err = LibJpeg.jpeg_std_error(jerr)
io_file = Libc.FILE(io)
LibJpeg.jpeg_stdio_src(cinfo, io_file)
LibJpeg.jpeg_read_header(cinfo, true)
coef_arrays = LibJpeg.jpeg_read_coefficients(cinfo)
access_virt_barray = unsafe_load(cinfo.mem).access_virt_barray
components = Matrix{LibJpeg.JCOEF}[]
for ci = 1:cinfo.num_components
comp_info = unsafe_load(cinfo.comp_info, ci)
c_height = comp_info.height_in_blocks * DCTSIZE
c_width = comp_info.width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE
m = Matrix{LibJpeg.JCOEF}(undef, c_height, c_width)
for blk_y = 1:comp_info.height_in_blocks
buffer = unsafe_load(ccall(access_virt_barray, LibJpeg.JBLOCKARRAY,
cinfo, unsafe_load(coef_arrays,ci), blk_y-1, 1, false))
for blk_x = 1:comp_info.width_in_blocks
bufptr = unsafe_load(buffer, blk_x)
for i=1:DCTSIZE, j=1:DCTSIZE
m[i + DCTSIZE*(blk_y-1), j + DCTSIZE*(blk_x-1)] =
bufptr[(i-1)*DCTSIZE + j]
push!(components, m)
return components
jpeg_read_coefficients(filename::AbstractString) =
open(jpeg_read_coefficients, filename, "r")
It runs, in the sense that jpeg_read_coefficients(filename)
returns an array of matrices of DCT coefficients (one per component). I’m not sure if it’s correct, since I don’t know what the right output is — it’s possible there is a typo, but at least the above code should be a good start.
Update: fixed to explicitly close
the file as suggested by @pakk-minidose below