OK, I will.
But I hope you also consider that for 5 years, a group of people who probably know a median number of 8-10 languages each has been iterating on the design of the language and sophisticated packages. But while there are aspirations for Julia to take on matlab and python, so far I would guess that you have very few users who only know matlab/python and then go Julia.
During that time, if ChrisR finds an incompatibility with a package that Tamas is working on, they would just scan through the source-code, find the offending problem, fork it on github, and chat on slack… This is not scalable, and requires a huge degree of sophistication from people using libraries to scan for the function, inject into another namespace, etc. Chris and Tamas are not mortals (and yes, I am picking on your two out of respect) where people like me are! If I copy a bunch of example code with using
and suddenly I get incompatibilities, then I am confused.
I think Julia has already shown that it is many people’s favorite 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, etc. language. But I don’t think it has shown that it can be people’s first language, and things like this make a big difference. Teaching an introductory course with Julia was eye-opening. What is good for package developers (e.g. fully qualified functions, etc.) is not necessarily what is good for users.