Frustrated using DataFrames

I was long frustrated by dataframes - not DataFrames.jl specifically, just dataframes in general, in any language. It’s often much more natural and convenient to represent data as something other than a flat 2d table of plain values.

Languages like Python are slow and working with arbitrary objects quickly becomes infeasible - that’s one reason dataframes are required there. But not in Julia! Built-in data structures like vectors, tuples, dicts, and custom problem-specific structs work together without any issues and slowdowns. They smoothly operate with the Tables.jl ecosystem, and with other packages such as SplitApplyCombine.jl.

Depending on your usecases, built-in structures can outperform DataFrames.jl. Syntax for common operations is reasonably convenient as-is, and can be made even smoother with a thin macro package - see [ANN] DataPipes.jl - #41 by aplavin for an example.