Fixing the Piping/Chaining Issue

I feel the same way. I do not like the visual noise.

My thought however, as the two approaches are redundant, both require parsing changes, and both have their own learning curves, is that it’s likely difficult to advocate for both simultaneously.

So if I have to pick one, I am compelled to choose the one that’s more generally useful and whose behavior is more obvious.

I was more referring to the fact that my OP was being kept alive at all, as I had abandoned it :sweat_smile:

The motivation for right-associativity was not this; it was for being able to fix multiple arguments. For example, arr \> filter(isodd) could also be arr /> isodd /> filter(). This would enable things like myfilt = isodd /> filter and then arr /> myfilt().

But with underscores, it would be arr |> filter(isodd, _) and myfilt=filter(isodd,_), then arr |> myfilt.

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