I’m not aware of any popular text-based 2D programming. I’d guess for the most part people either assume it’s impossible, or only try in toy languages which make it uninteresting; this proposal is the strange intersection between: absolute madlad geniuses designing a language and parser ∩ deprecation of a context in which such powerful syntax is valid ∩ some stubborn bonehead asking “What if I try this?”
The first language I encountered that allowed me to form expressions like this was MatLab (for matrix building), and coming from C-style languages I remember it feeling weird and wrong for me too back then. Seeing it now in Julia and understanding it better, it’s not so foreign—so I suspect it’s a matter of familiarity with the language feature.
In short, it parses like matrices: a single space or a linebreak has meaning, but multiples don’t (so you can add spaces as desired for alignment), and semicolons can be used in place of linebreaks. It’s [mostly] consistent with the rest of Julia (and inconsistent with Python).
I suspect the answer is: try it and see how you like it! Maybe it’s an acquired taste that I got from doing too much matrix math where similar syntax is valid, but I feel like if I can get onboard with it, anybody can.
I think my main reservations with this approach are that it’s much more verbose and it locks the parallel chains’ executions into lockstep, making multithreading essentially impossible. As it is, you can add spaces to align expressions as you wish.
You could be right. Part of my reason to explore multi-chains in this proposal is in recognition of the special powerful parsing machinery that {}
comes with, to try and see if I can do it justice while maintaining coherence with 1D chain semantics (that is to say, I don’t want to waste powerful {}
syntax on something that can’t grow into it). But perhaps 2D chains are too jarring for people to accept readily. I don’t know the history, but I have to imagine mathematicians went mad when matrices were first invented. (Come to think of it, I didn’t like matrices either when I first learned of them )
You seem quite opposed to the it
keyword, as you’ve brought it up a couple times! Unfortunately, eliminating it would sufficiently kneecap the proposal as to make it largely uninteresting (i.e., no longer able to call n-arg functions nor do “quick lambda” expressions), so I don’t see that as a workable approach. Furthermore, if the rest of the proposal were to be implemented before any local keywords were chosen, then implementing keywords later would be a breaking change; keywords must be selected upfront to avoid this.
I feel like the reasons I’ve offered for choosing it
have been pretty thorough, well-reasoned, and compelling. (color on it
; semantics and valid identifiers; keyword locality and pronoun universality). Can you explain your reasoning for continuing to oppose it, so I can better understand your viewpoint?
As far as I can tell, this would require breaking changes to the parser, so I cannot support this. Otherwise I would!
That’s fine, this proposal allows you to do that.
I would’ve preferred x{f, g, h}
, but it was already taken
The way I cope is by telling myself that it also looks sorta like property access, in similar spirit to how “do a length measurement on the object” (length(obj)
) is equivalent to “measure the object’s length” (obj.{length}
). There could be better ways to cope, but this is what I’ve found.
Thanks! Let’s see where it goes. I want to spend more time testing it to see if it’s the best we can come up with; maybe we can get some serious counter-proposals with more compelling semantics, or maybe somebody can find a better use for Julia’s powerful
parsing machinery!