Fixing Package Fragmentation

I think it’s part and parcel to a discussion on how to “fix” fragmentation, honestly. There are many tacks that can be taken to “fix fragmentation” here. For example:

  • The General registry should have a higher bar and be more curated.
  • There should be a Cathedral/Bazaar model where there’s a curated registry alongside the general one.
  • There need to be more documentation efforts to unify ecosystems (a la numpy/scipy/SciML) or other such curated lists (perhaps in the style of awesome-X or the like).

All of them would “fix” fragmentation, but they are all very different approaches and they would all require significant work and buy-in. For example, PyPI has an even lower bar than Julia’s General registry, but they solve this with monolithic packages. SciML doesn’t use monolithic packages, but instead has monolithic documentation.

It’s worth looking at some previous discussions: How to know which Julia package to trust? or How to know if a package is good?.