Filled contour plots in Plots.jl without contour lines and smooth interpolation (GR backend)

You mean contour one grid? Like in

using GMT

G = GMT.peaks(N=8)      # Create a dumb very small grid se we can see all of its numbers
Gridline node registration used
x_min: 0.0      x_max :10.0     x_inc :2.0      n_columns :6
y_min: 0.0      y_max :10.0     y_inc :2.0      n_rows :6
z_min: 0.0      z_max :10.0
8×8 Matrix{Float32}:
  6.74662f-5    0.00234345  -0.00289526  -0.156239  -0.234643  -0.0561168  -0.0021941   -5.86418f-6
  0.000709284   0.0252743   -0.100085    -2.42985   -3.59033   -0.82773    -0.0259816    0.000166233
 -0.00160873    0.0259868    0.792868    -0.891183  -4.8579    -0.559861    0.151032     0.00677258
 -0.0228549    -0.578283    -0.834896     3.62408    0.439527   2.98756     0.821138     0.028167
 -0.026329     -0.753474    -2.56385      0.810568   0.15759    3.00589     0.800088     0.0273207
 -0.00537586   -0.112819     0.619229     5.63665    5.59131    1.97303     0.25099      0.00707602
  0.000235204   0.0367531    0.840585     3.81141    3.81001    0.912933    0.0560706    0.000895326
  3.29888f-5    0.00292144   0.0569759    0.249575   0.24956    0.0578584   0.00315682   4.10297f-5

C = makecpt(T=(-7,9,2));
contourf(G, C, show=true)

(more here)