Let me give a use case:
There is a collection of classroom-courses with pupils of different grades. In order to elect the best-of-school pupil, the following procedure is defined: From each course select the pupil with the best marks. Add a bias according to the grade and select pupil with best sum of marks and bias. We assume better marks are represented by floating point numbers int he range between -1 and 1, the bias values between -0.2 and 0.2 only depend on the grade of the course and are based on statistics of the school principal.
struct Pupil
struct Course
courses = [Course(0.2, [Pupil(0.7, :male), Pupil(0.8,:female)]), Course(-0.2, [Pupil(0.8, :male), Pupil(0.7,:male)])];
marks(p::Pupil) = p.marks
bestofclass(c::Course, gen::Symbol) = maximum(marks.(filter(p->gen == :all || p.gender == gen, c.pupils)))
bestofschool(cs::Vector{Course}, gen = :all) = maximum(c->bestofclass(c, gen) + c.bias, cs)
julia> bestofschool(courses)
julia> bestofschool(courses, :male)
julia> bestofschool(courses, :female)
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
[1] _mapreduce(::Base.#identity, ::Base.#scalarmax, ::IndexLinear, ::Array{Float64,1}) at ./reduce.jl:265
[2] bestofclass(::Course, ::Symbol) at ./REPL[9]:1
[3] _mapreduce(::##7#8{Symbol}, ::Base.#scalarmax, ::IndexLinear, ::Array{Course,1}) at ./reduce.jl:273
[4] bestofschool(::Array{Course,1}, ::Symbol) at ./REPL[10]:1
[5] macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:97 [inlined]
[6] (::Base.REPL.##1#2{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:73
The last run fails, because there are no female pupils in one of the courses.
See the results after with modified function:
There seems some resistance and some technical difficulties to extend the domain of maximum or minimum to include empty collections.
Conforming to a proposal
I would propose to
document the current behaviour of maximum and minimum and leave it as it is.
implement new functions supremum and infimum, which behave equivalent for non-empty collections of totally ordered types, but cover the other cases as well.
Proposal for the extension of the documentation for maximum:
help?> maximum
Returns the largest element in a `non-empty` collection.
If itr is empty, throw exception of type ArgumentError.
julia> maximum(-20.5:10)
julia> maximum([1,2,3])
`julia> maximum(UInt[])
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
maximum(A, dims)
Compute the maximum value of an array over the given dimensions. See also the max(a,b) function
to take the maximum of two or more arguments, which can be applied elementwise to arrays via
`maximum(f::Callable, a)`
Returns the largest value of f.(a) or zero for a collection a.
The collection must generally not be empty, with few exceptions.
If a is not empty, return the largest value of f.(a). That is equal to maximum(f.(a)) but
execution is more efficient.
If a is empty and f is one of Base.abs or Base.abs2, return the zero value of the element type
of a.
If a is empty or has no element type or no zero of the element type is available, throw
julia> maximum(sin, [2pi, pi/2])
julia> maximum(abs2, Float64[])
julia> maximum(abs2, UInt[])
julia> maximum(x->x^2, UInt[])
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
julia> maximum(sin, Float64[])
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
julia> maximum(abs, x for x in 1:0)
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
julia> struct Bogus end
julia> Base.zero(::Type{Bogus}) = 0.0
julia> maximum(abs, Bogus[])
ERROR: TypeError: _mapreduce: in typeassert, expected Bogus, got Float64
julia> struct Bogus2 end
julia> maximum(abs, Bogus2[])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Bogus2})
So, has there been an official decision made on this?
Iām generally in agreement with @klacru, and was surprised when maximum and minimum of empty AbstractFloat vectors didnāt return -Inf and Inf (resp.).
Without an issue or a PR, most questions like this just donāt get an āofficialā decision.
I guess that minimum and maximum are not defined for empty collections could be mentioned in their docstings, but the error message is already informative.