Here’s how to do it using unstack
in DataFrames.jl
julia> df = DataFrame(a= [1,1,2,2], b = [1,2,1,2], c = [1,2,3,4])
4×3 DataFrame
Row │ a b c
│ Int64 Int64 Int64
1 │ 1 1 1
2 │ 1 2 2
3 │ 2 1 3
4 │ 2 2 4
julia> unstack(df, :b, :c; renamecols = v -> "b_$v")
2×3 DataFrame
Row │ a b_1 b_2
│ Int64 Int64? Int64?
1 │ 1 1 2
2 │ 2 3 4
For a more complicated prolem, where you have multiple value variables (instead of just :c
like you have here), see this thread.
Here is a general explainer for doing “pivot table”-like operations with DataFrames