"@everywhere using" ERROR for worker 2

Hi I am seeing the same error with exactly the same usage as the one of @Zhong_Pan, and so would like to revive this topic.

The simplest code to demonstrate the error is:

using Distributed
@everywhere using DataFrames

I’m running on JuliaPro 1.1.1 (tried the latest 1.2 and it won’t help) on Windows 8.

It’s not a different environment. And the discussion you mentioned seems to concern only user’s own package but not a curated package such as DataFrames.

I tried a lot of things and none of them seems working. I’m under the impression that it is because packages in v1.0+ are now installed “locally” on userprofile path instead of a global C: drive location.

First, obviously I’ve installed DataFrames and this line of code will run okay:

using DataFrames

Then, instead of DataFrames, a standard package such as HTTP will work:

@everywhere using HTTP