Efficiently check if points are contained in polygons

Yes, we only have a method that checks each point at a time. There are other algorithms as others pointed out for multiple points at once. Pull requests are welcome.

I ended up making a Julia function from wiki’s algorithm pseudocode… works fast enough and no memory allocations, but its too off the ideology of Meshes.jl. would be not simple to integrate. I have a case where I’m making a convex hull for just a few points at once, but 10 - 50 million times. So need everything to be fast.

Can you elaborate?

Done! Still its not in Meshes.jl style but (if you are OK with this ) it might be very useful to somebody who needs to create a lot of small convex hulls.

For those not following the repository, this is the PR that @ig-or opened:

Thank you for the attempt @ig-or , I left some comments over there.

Update for those coming late here:

Please replace GeoTables.load by GeoIO.load. The function has been migrated to the GeoIO.jl package a long time ago.