Easiest and most complete package for PostgreSQL right now (Feb 2022)?

Appreciate that. How was its installation? Anything in particular to pay attention to?

I did this couple of years ago already, but first you make sure you have the ODBC driver for your database. Windows has a tool for that, I donā€™t know other OSā€™s. You test the connection work and what I did was to create a tiny package for my personal use that wrapped the operation of ODBC.jl, with a function that creates the connection with my UID and PW. I have several IUDā€™s at work and they access different DBā€™s, so I wanted that control. Then, all my scripts import the package and I already have the different connections I want to use and set that up. And since I inherited a lot of SQL files to do my tasks, I just run those. Iā€™ve been working like this for about two years now and works for me.

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I knew it was gonna be trouble. :sweat_smile:

It really wasnā€™t for me, or at least thatā€™s not what I remember. However, I did benefit from setting up my ODBC driver in RStudio before and they had really good instructions. Once I had a useful connection, the rest was easy. And I did the package for my own convenience, you donā€™t need to do that.

I used ODBC to connect to AWS Redshift, which is a fork of PostgreSQL without issue

I know this is a few years late, but I thought Iā€™d put in a plug for TidierDB.jl here. TidierDB.jl lets a user use Tidier.jl syntax and it converts it to SQL. It has 7 backends (duckdb is the default) including Postgres.

The user would simply open the Postgres connection using LibPQ.jl and then query as needed.