Distributed parallelism within packages/applications

Thanks for the answers!
I am trying to load some files on all workers, but I am not sure how to do it properly.
Considering the example in the first post, I changed the contents of ParallelTest.jl to:


module ParallelTest

using Distributed
@everywhere using Pkg
@everywhere Pkg.activate(".")

@everywhere include("$(@__DIR__)/parallel.jl")

@everywhere using .PMod

greet() = print("Hello World!")

end # module

and added another file parallel.jl in the src directory containting:

module PMod


end  # module PMod

I managed to load the module successfully, but I get redefinition warnings for the module loaded in parallel.

(v0.7) pkg> activate .

julia> using Distributed

julia> addprocs(2)
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> using ParallelTest
[ Info: Precompiling ParallelTest [0e712700-ac5e-11e8-3696-ef47f8f04c4e]
      From worker 3:    loaded
      From worker 2:    loaded
      From worker 2:    WARNING: replacing module PMod.
WARNING: replacing module PMod.
      From worker 2:    loadedWARNING: replacing module PMod.

      From worker 3:    WARNING: replacing module PMod.
      From worker 2:    WARNING: replacing module PMod.
      From worker 2:    loaded
      From worker 3:    loaded
      From worker 3:    WARNING: replacing module PMod.
      From worker 3:    loaded

I also tried to use using .PMod instead of @everywhere using .PMod, but I get a LoadError saying that PMod is not defined. I think that the problem is that on the workers it’s in the global scope, while on the master process is inside a module.