Did Julia community do something to improve its correctness?

The problem with the topic of Julia and correctness was how it lumped many issues with varying degrees of relevance into One Thing newcomers have to consider. It’s not. Newcomers care about whether they can write practical code that gives the correct results; yes they can, which is why we get more of the subsequent questions of “how do I optimize this”. Newcomers care about whether they can pick up packages that work properly; yes they can, and like any other language it depends on how actively maintained the package is.

It’s not particularly helpful for newcomers to be bombarded by bugs in corner cases or composition with little-used packages. For example, while I do agree that aliasing should be handled instead of silent, we know not to alias with reducing operations in practice, and we would never reduce over none of the dimensions, specifically sum!(copy(a), a) gives the same result as sum(a;dims=()) or copy(a). This is irrelevant to a newcomer who wants to Do Something. I get that people can be frustrated by problems in areas with little attention or demand, but that’s an issue for any language and it shouldn’t be a reason to avoid a language that is proven useful.