Developping non registered packages: should I always do dev package?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

For unregistered packages, I would suggest creating a registry and your colleagues only need to add that registry . And you can find many other discussions here and on Registrator.jl

I never looked into registries. I will see how hard that is.

Yes, only local. Unless you commit and push your changes to github…

I’m sorry, I’m not sure if I fully understand. Can you give some more details?

The tag info will appear in Manifest.toml but not Project.toml.

Yes indeed. I just saw that. But the tags in Manifest.toml seems to be stuck on 0.1.0.
Somehow for my unregistered package I cannot do https://github/omerchiers/MyPackage.jl@v0.2
I have to put the commit SHA1 even though I pushed my tags to github.

thanks again for your time.