Dependency Hell

add StatsModels works because it installs version 0.5 of StatsModels, which is what GLM wants.
dev was failing because head for StatsModels was at 0.6 and GLM had the strict dependency on 0.5

That’s all I need to get on with my work. However, I would still like to understand why my efforts to change the required version of StatsModel in GLM’s project.toml have so far been completely ineffective. Do I need to change project (GLM) uuid or version to persuade julia to look at the rest of the file?

rm GLM might be a little tricky since I have local changes. If it actually deletes the files on disk (not sure if it does) it will remove the changes. If it doesn’t and I try to then dev using the local location, it seems the source and target directories would be the same, which might cause trouble.