Custom divergent colormap with unequal sides

I’ve also seen plots where people use an uneven scale on a symmetrical colormap. So you don’t distort the map but the scale. Here’s an example I cooked up a while ago, adjusted to your numbers:

data = rand(10, 10) .* 4

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])

upper = 4
lower = 0
midpoint = 1
ratio = (upper - midpoint) / (midpoint - lower)

sc = ReversibleScale(
    x -> x > midpoint ? (x - midpoint) / ratio + midpoint : x,
    x -> x > midpoint ? (x - midpoint) * ratio + midpoint : x

hm = heatmap!(ax, data, colorscale = sc, colorrange = (lower, upper), colormap = :delta)
Colorbar(f[1, 2], hm, ticks = lower:upper)

Here’s a variant with the upper part going to 10, to show the effect even more:

upper = 10
lower = 0
midpoint = 1

data = rand(10, 10) .* (upper - lower) .+ lower

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])

ratio = (upper - midpoint) / (midpoint - lower)

sc = ReversibleScale(
    x -> x > midpoint ? (x - midpoint) / ratio + midpoint : x,
    x -> x > midpoint ? (x - midpoint) * ratio + midpoint : x

hm = heatmap!(ax, data, colorscale = sc, colorrange = (lower, upper), colormap = :RdBu)
Colorbar(f[1, 2], hm, ticks = lower:upper)

Might be confusing to some readers though.

Edit: hmm seems like the rendering of the colors in the heatmap is a bit off though with this

Edit2: I just had forgot to scale the input data with the larger limits, I think