Couldn't be good to postpone 1.0?

Wow, this kind of exploded :).

Optional loading of packages when updating is a very reasonable feature request and is something I plan to add (or at least put up a PR for) in Pkg3. Currently, for precompiling all installed packages, something like:

for (pkg, vers) in Pkg.installed()
    @eval import $(Symbol(pkg))

will do the job. Perhaps a convenience function for doing that is justified.

I think using the term “ridiculous” (or its synonym “absurd” or some other similar word that invokes the concept of unreasonableness) about calling the current lack of automatic package loading on update a “show stopper” for using Julia as a programming language is not too inaccurate. It could surely be regarded as an inconvenience but as I showed above, it is not too bad work around.


I remember how you once chided me publicly for simply using “…” in messages, and for how I communicated.
Think hard about how your are representing the Julia community, Julia Computing, and yourself.

@liso evidently was concerned about the tone of your response, he quoted just that part, and said:

Your reply even now continues to be rather denigrating of @liso, going even further with “absurd” and “unreasonableness”.

Think about how you could be a better ambassador for Julia and Julia Computing to people who are new to the community.

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Cite (emphasis are new): " It would be showstopper for some people."

I wanted to say something about ridiculousness of commenting outside of proper context, but I think we really don’t need to escalate this pseudo problem. :slight_smile:

Maybe you really think that every person who will try Julia will also accept actual behavior. I am not.

Our opinion could differ, it is OK! :slight_smile:


A lot of R packages take a while to install, although all compilation happens at install (or update) time. I’ve only heard complaints about this from Mac users facing Xcode trouble – an issue they wouldn’t have if they were just precompiling Julia in Julia

I wonder if seeing countless instances of gcc accompanied by a dozen compiler flags flash past on the screen makes it feel faster. They can see the computer is obviously doing a lot of work.

Some R packages take much more than 20 seconds to compile.

Or perhaps the front-loading of the compilation makes it easier for them to stomach?
But I’d have a hard time really endorsing that.
I don’t always use every package between it updating from one tagged version to another. It would be silly to recompile on an update, just to have to recompile again if another version comes out before I actually use using. I would say the same for all the JuliaPro packages – I wouldn’t want to sit through it all compiling if I’m not going to use most of it.


I was rather just surprised. And felt that Kristoffer’s answer is maybe … nervous?

So I liked to say with “Please no offence” something like “I don’t try to offend anybody around Julia core” . (sorry my English really need to improve)

I really hope that we could just calm this down and focus on useful things!

But thanks everybody who tried to defend me! :slight_smile: I am still OK with Kristoffer tone! A little emotion probably could not spoil our discussion :slight_smile:



On that note, and in the interest of avoiding further follow-on negativity from all the side conversations here, I’m going to close this thread.