Converting between AxisArray like packages?

FWIW, I think it would be timely for the main AxisArray-like-package devs to re-address the state of the ecosystem.

This could be done, IMHO:

To give context to this comment, I recently tried to answer a related question on StackOverflow and edited my answer to include a DimensionalData.jl example solution, but I’m definitely not the expert here and I found it hard to chose DimensionalData.jl. Importantly, I’d like to cite a comment from the SO question author to drive the point (emphasis mine):

DimensionalData is nice, but at the moment it seems to me that there are many competing packages trying to reproduce what xarray does so I’m not sure if I want to commit to one of those packages just yet

In other words, this testimony suggests that the current fragmentation is hurting the userbase and is probably reducing important feedback. Having a welcoming place to guide new users and help them chose a package would be most welcome.