Combining SimpleTraits.jl traits on one type

From the README on SimpleTraits.jl it appears dispatching on multiple traits is not yet possible.

However WhereTraits.jl could possibly support it!

using WhereTraits

abstract type AbstractA end
abstract type DecoA <: AbstractA end

# A few concrete types
struct A <: AbstractA end
struct A1 <: DecoA end
struct A2 <: DecoA end
struct A3 <: DecoA end

# just some function
f(::AbstractA, x) = x+2
g(::DecoA, x, y) = x+y

is_nice(::Type{<:A1}) = true
is_nice(::Type{<:DecoA}) = false

is_cool(::Type{<:A2}) = true
is_cool(::Type{<:DecoA}) = false

@traits f(a::TA, x) where {TA <: DecoA, is_nice(TA)} = g(a,x,3)
@traits f(a::TA, x) where {TA <: DecoA, is_cool(TA)} = g(a,x,5)
@traits f(a::TA, x) where {TA <: DecoA, !is_cool(TA), !is_nice(TA)} = "without this the multiple dispatch is ill-defined for `A3`"

@show f(A(),0)
@show f(A1(),0)
@show f(A2(),0)
@show f(A3(),0)