chatGPT policy needed?

The point about using ChatGPT to translate text is really important. My wife had a chinese student submit a biology essay that was WAY better written than any of her other in-class submissions were. We tried taking the introduction to a wikipedia article copied from chinese wikipedia and asking ChatGPT to translate it to english… it came out very usable. We aren’t sure if that’s what she did, but if it is, then it seemed very legit. If she just had the chatbot write the whole thing… not so legit.

I’ve interacted with people on the OpenWrt forum whose native language is French, I’m pretty sure we’d have gotten things done quicker if they’d been able to write their responses in french and have chatgpt translate to english for the forum and vice-versa (it’s an explicitly english-first forum).

It might be nice though for someone posting like that to put “translated by ChatGPT” below the post, that way when ChatGPT makes mistakes and offends someone they can at least realize it was a translation error.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Are there efforts to improve ChatGPT for Julia code?