Censorship issues and community behavior

Please do not see this as just another attack but I want to urge you to reflect on whether threads like these are actually helpful to the community as a whole.

I am currently advocating for Julia and open source in general in a very conservative environment. A thread on “censorship” as the top post in the community forum might be enough for a newcomer to conclude that the Julia community is toxic (which I do not believe) and not worth engaging with. My hard work evangelizing would be undone!

Since being on the internet these days is distressing enough (for me) I usually skip inflammatory threads so I am probably not qualified to comment on this.
Let’s assume though that the censoring was not an isolated incident and you were in the right. Is justice being served worth the cost of painting the community as a whole in a bad light? Would it not make more sense to discuss the issue with the responsible persons in private first to see whether the over-moderation was based on a misunderstanding?