CAS Best Practices

One has to be rather careful, and I don’t know what the Julia philosophy dictates,.

As has been pointed out, the notion of principal square root of a non-negative real number is just fine. A very careful CAS might allow you to create and manipulate a “rootof” expression, e.g. RootOf(y^2=x,y) . This represents one of the square roots of x. You might even distinguish the two roots by an index, RootOf(y^2=x,1) and RootOf(y^2=x,2). Though which one is the “positive” or “principal” root is not identifiable. You do know that their sum is 0 and their product is x.

If sqrt() is a name for a program that operates only on non-neg reals, then identifying it as positive real principle square root is certainly ok. It has a certain relationship with the square-root concept in algebra, or in a CAS, but it seems to me that they are not the same.

So some of the comments are, in my view, right on track. Here’s some food for thought.

If z= x^2+y^2-2xy, what do you want for square_root(z)?
It could be x-y, y-x, abs(x-y), RootOf(w=z,w), or a set {x-y,y-x}. There are various arguments for each result. Maxima gives you something of a choice. Leaving it as RootOf, “unevaluated” might seem to be the most correct, but it makes further computation difficult and potentially ambiguous.

Oh, it is also possible sometimes to distinguish RootOfs by intervals. e.g. RootOf(y^2=9,y, inside [-inf,0]) which would presumably be unambiguously -3.

Have fun,.


Another fundamental question in the interpretation of a “solution” is how a solver handles equations parametrised by symbols e.g.:

julia> @variables a, b, x
(a, b, x)

julia> Symbolics.solve_for([a*x ~ b], [x])
1-element Array{Num,1}:

Most CAS will return something similar but what if a is zero?

More generally given a situation where solutions exist conditionally depending on the unknowable values of symbolic parameters how do you define formally what the interpretation should be on the returned result? Does it apply for “most” values of a or would the solver only return something if it was known to be correct for all values of a? What if an expression for the solution is correct for a < 0 but no solution exists for a > 0?

Different users want different things in different situations so there isn’t a one size fits all approach. Many users would be extremely disappointed if solve was unable to get b/a from such a simple equation but in some contexts (especially for internal use) something more robust is needed. The next level up is to have a way to indicate any assumptions that were made in deriving the returned result so what you return is

>>> solve([a*x ~ b], [x])
b/a   provided   a != 0

At minimum the primitive solvers on which others are based need to have this capability so that robust higher-level solvers can be built on top. A friendly user API like solve might not do this but for power-users and internal use this is needed.

What most people as “users” want is to get the solution case that corresponds to the generic case for the parameters except when it comes to determining that no solution exists e.g.:

In [5]: linsolve_cond([Eq(x + y, 1), Eq(x + y, a), Eq(x, 1)], [x, y])
⎧{(1, 0)}  for a - 1 = 0
⎩   ∅        otherwise

Here the solution is generically (for almost all values of a) the empty set but many people would consider it a bug to return that: why can’t the solver figure out that a=1?

Another approach is to try to consider all possible cases but it doesn’t scale well. I made a sketch of this for SymPy here:

With that you get:

In [3]: linsolve_cond([Eq(a*x, b)], [x])
⎧⎧⎛b ⎞⎫           
⎪⎨⎜─,⎟⎬  for a ≠ 0
⎪⎩⎝a ⎠⎭           
⎨  ∅     for b ≠ 0
⎪   1             
⎪  ℂ     otherwise

The problem is that the number of cases grows exponentially in the number of symbols:

In [2]: a, b, c, d, e, f, x, y = symbols('a:f, x:y')

In [3]: linsolve_cond([Eq(a*x + b*y, e), Eq(c*x + d*y, f)], [x, y])
⎧⎧⎛  b⋅(a⋅f - c⋅e)               ⎞⎫                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
⎪⎪⎜- ───────────── + e           ⎟⎪                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
⎪⎨⎜    a⋅d - b⋅c        a⋅f - c⋅e⎟⎬                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
⎪⎪⎜───────────────────, ─────────⎟⎪                                                                                                for a ≠ 0 ∧ a⋅d - b⋅c ≠ 0                                                                                               
⎪⎩⎝         a           a⋅d - b⋅c⎠⎭                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
⎪                ∅                   for (a⋅d - b⋅c = 0 ∧ a ≠ 0 ∧ a⋅f - c⋅e ≠ 0) ∨ (a = 0 ∧ b = 0 ∧ c ≠ 0 ∧ e ≠ 0) ∨ (a = 0 ∧ c = 0 ∧ b ≠ 0 ∧ b⋅f - d⋅e ≠ 0) ∨ (a = 0 ∧ b = 0 ∧ c = 0 ∧ d = 0 ∧ ¬(e = 0 ∧ f = 0)) ∨ (a = 0 ∧ b = 0 ∧ c = 0 ∧ d ≠ 0 ∧ e ≠ 0)
⎪    ⎧⎛-b⋅τ₀ + e    ⎞ │       ⎫                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
⎪    ⎨⎜─────────, τ₀⎟ │ τ₀ ∊ ℂ⎬                                                                                            for a⋅d - b⋅c = 0 ∧ a⋅f - c⋅e = 0 ∧ a ≠ 0                                                                                       
⎪    ⎩⎝    a        ⎠ │       ⎭                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
⎪        ⎧⎛    e⎞ │       ⎫                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
⎪        ⎨⎜τ₀, ─⎟ │ τ₀ ∊ ℂ⎬                                                                                                for a = 0 ∧ c = 0 ∧ b⋅f - d⋅e = 0 ∧ b ≠ 0                                                                                       
⎪        ⎩⎝    b⎠ │       ⎭                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
⎨        ⎧⎛    f⎞ │       ⎫                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
⎪        ⎨⎜τ₀, ─⎟ │ τ₀ ∊ ℂ⎬                                                                                                for a = 0 ∧ b = 0 ∧ c = 0 ∧ e = 0 ∧ d ≠ 0                                                                                       
⎪        ⎩⎝    d⎠ │       ⎭                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
⎪    ⎧⎛-d⋅τ₀ + f    ⎞ │       ⎫                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
⎪    ⎨⎜─────────, τ₀⎟ │ τ₀ ∊ ℂ⎬                                                                                                for a = 0 ∧ b = 0 ∧ e = 0 ∧ c ≠ 0                                                                                           
⎪    ⎩⎝    c        ⎠ │       ⎭                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
⎪          ⎧⎛    d⋅e   ⎞⎫                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
⎪          ⎪⎜f - ───   ⎟⎪                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
⎪          ⎨⎜     b   e⎟⎬                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
⎪          ⎪⎜───────, ─⎟⎪                                                                                                          for a = 0 ∧ b ≠ 0 ∧ c ≠ 0                                                                                               
⎪          ⎩⎝   c     b⎠⎭                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
⎪                 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
⎪                ℂ                                                                                                     for a = 0 ∧ b = 0 ∧ c = 0 ∧ d = 0 ∧ e = 0 ∧ f = 0                                                                                   

Although the number of cases explodes it is possible to implement a solver this way lazily so that if you know what kind of cases you want then they can be extracted efficiently without computing all of the others. Enumerating all cases is impractical but there needs to be some way to know what assumptions were made in deriving the solution.

Attaching validity conditions to what is returned by solvers needs to be an API and implementation consideration from the outset and it needs to start with the lowest level primitive routines. This is not really a feature that can be added to an implementation retrospectively.

Either way the most important thing is to define (and document!) in formal terms what the solver does and how the returned solutions should be interpreted. That needs to be clear from the outset or the implementation will end up choosing based on the phases of the moon as Fredrik says.


The problem cited above about the proliferation of cases is, I think, only one aspect of the issue. True, you get more cases (we called them provisos… XXX provided YYY), and their numbers can grow exponentially as solutions bifurcate previous provisos. We used this to encode material from tables of integrals in a program Tilu.

The adjacent issue I see is to simplify and combine the provisos to a minimal set, and should you be so lucky as to conclude something like

y=1 provided a >0
y=1 provided a<=0

then computationally maybe conclude that y=1 [do we have to specify … provided a is real??]

I think it is useful to talk about formal computations in a domain which allow (say) cancelling of polynomials gcd in A/B; on the other hand, certain manipulations that are less well structured and are true “generically” but false “generally” are troublesome. Simple examples of these are sometimes posed as puzzles: Find the flaw in the proof … (where the proof concludes that 1=2, say)
Protesting that a solution has (perhaps) an infinite set of places where it is false contrasts with the certainty that “but the program came up with this solution”. Mathematica does a fair amount of this; I don’t know about SymPy.

There are some tools in Mathematica that are more careful that Solve. I think Reduce and Eliminate are available. I expect that Mathematica’s further manipulation of the results of these programs falls short of the ideal, but I haven’t tried mucking about with their results.

The idea of leaving things “unevaluated” is pretty much inherent in Macsyma/Maxima as a kind of default -when you can’t do an integration, leave the result as “integrate(…)”.
Leaving a result as a program, unevaluated, by default, seems a bit cruel to the user. e.g.

a+b becomes … if a is a number and b is a number then if a+b is a representable number, then add(a,b).
a/b becomes … if b is not 0 or NaN …

and sqrt(x) checks that x is real, non-negative …

It works better if your business is not “computer algebra” but “generating code snippets”.

sorry if I’ve misrepresented what I’ve read but not studied in detail here.
Have fun.

Is there a way to get a handle on this distinction between “generally” and “generically”? I think what you’re referring to is e.g. the rule that
b * a / b == a

with or without (respectively) checking that
b ≠ 0.

See, for example, the wikipedia article about the field of rational functions

for a discussion which allows that one can consider the equivalence class of functions including
R=(f(x)*g(x)) / g(x) as well as f(x), by “cancelling” g(x). Even if g(x) might, for some values of x, evaluate to zero, R is computationally equivalent to f(x).

There’s a much broader scope of expressions that might come out of “solve” but are difficult to justify except if you are willing to avert your gaze and say …
( )

It certainly doesn’t feel right to say they are “computationally” equivalent. They indeed express different computations and are not extensionally nor intensionally equal. But I get they are equivalent possibly up to removable singularities.

The article warns about inadvertently losing removable singularities.

The rational function f(x)={\tfrac{x}{x}} is equal to 1 for all x except 0, where there is a removable singularity. The sum, product, or quotient (excepting division by the zero polynomial) of two rational functions is itself a rational function. However, the process of reduction to standard form may inadvertently result in the removal of such singularities unless care is taken. Using the definition of rational functions as equivalence classes gets around this, since x / x is equivalent to 1/1.

My original question was about “general” vs “generic”, but I didn’t understand the dichotomy here. Perhaps it’s that “equivalence up to removable singularity” is more “general” and less “generic” than “equivalence, and strictly so”.

My view is that this rational field division by maybe zero is “small potatoes”. There is probably a mathematical excuse buried in the literature for excusing the cancellation of a potentially-zero denominator. Maybe in “valuation” theory. Not something I am willing to spend time studying.

What is potentially far more annoying are situations like this. We can agree that limit(1/x, x->0) is something. Call it infinity. Maybe there’s +,-, complex infinity. But it is something. Call it q. Now for an ordinary symbol x that might possibly have a value q, we would like x-x to be 0. 2*x to be different from x unless x==0, etc etc. This is not true for inf. So we have a problem. Maybe don’t allow limit? Maybe don’t allow operations on something that might later be assigned the value inf? Come up with an arithmetic that allows infinities and is consistent with the rest of the system? (There are arguments that interval arithmetic can do some of this.)
Anyway, there are a number of different resolutions to this, and they aren’t obvious. E.g. you might say, of course we have to allow limits. Uh, no, that’s one resolution. Maybe not a favorite.
Now for systems that are heavily oriented toward arithmetic, note that there are IEEE float representations for ±inf, NaN (many of them), signed zero, as well as traps, rounding modes, …
and if you want to model them in a computer algebra “system”, it requires thought.
You are aware, but don’t obsess over it, but you know you need to think about arithmetic even if it doesn’t overflow, underflow, etc… You can still make grevious mistakes by subtraction of two nearly-equal quantities, which elevates round-off and truncation noise to prominence.

I would not rely on the usual “mathematics” sources to come up with a unified theory of all of these, including objects infinities, undefineds, indeterminate, NaNs. Nor would I expect this to come out as a free consequence of computer language types, compiling, multiple-dispatch-object-oriented-functional-parallel-cloud-AI-whatever. Ultimately, I do expect that a computer system could mimic or improve on what human mathematicians try to do, just it is not a “free” consequence of something not specifically addressing these issues. For people who are concerned with “reliable computation” that may sort of be adjacent to the symbolic computation in pursuit of better numerics, there is the activity in interval arithmetic which may be helpful. A place to start may be this …



I am certainly underthinking this. But the problem seems to be an absence of types. Or perhaps “domains”. x - x == 0 is a perfect rule for Int but [subtly] broken for Float64. The kind of x for which the rule holds, that kind should have a name. Maybe the name is x - x == 0 holds”, but I suspect there’s a better name.

And then q is not that kind of thing. It is a different thing, and as such, the rule x - x == 0 does not apply to it.

The types here are geared toward safety / soundness. That’s in contrast to the types in Julia, which arguably exist primarily to direct dispatch. I’m sure it’s not easy to figure out those types, but it does seem crucial to think in those terms.

If you wish to constrain what the computer algebra system can compute by making everything type-safe, then it seems to me that you might declare that q is type “real” but then
q:=limit(f(x), x->0) is type unsafe since f(x)=1/x returns inf, and that’s no good.

So q is perhap of type “algebraic expression”. Indeed, that covers Float64, Int, BigInt, arithmetic expressions like x+y, etc.
I’m not saying that I have a recipe for fixing all this. I think experience has demonstrated that “types” at least in the conventional programming language situation, is not the solution. As you say, it’s not easy to figure out.

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