Canonical way to check if a project is a package?

This is quite possibly too naive a thought but:

Could you try activating the Project.toml for that given project or package (let’s say the name is YourPackage) and then run the following snippet:

    using YourPackage
    using Pkg

    pkg_name = "YourPackage"
    m = Pkg.Operations.Context().env.manifest

    v_key = findfirst(v-> == pkg_name, m)
    if isnothing(v_key)
        error("Version not found! Is this a valid Julia package?")
        v = m[v_key].version
        println("Package version is $v")
catch e
    println("$e: Is this a valid Julia package?")

This solution was inspired by a stack overflow post here: julia - Determine version of a specific package - Stack Overflow

It does assume a manifest exists for the environment however so that may derail this solution potentially. To my understanding, this would at least solve b), for a) maybe see this discourse post for more: How to test if package is installed - #4 by Tamas_Papp and this one: Test for existence of a variable - #39 by Tamas_Papp for c) I would say that the checks may have to be up to more how you structure or want to administrate your local registry… I would say that could be sufficient personally, but I haven’t run a registry myself yet. :stuck_out_tongue: