Cannot add ImageView package

Did you check this?

The most serious problem (what giordano is focusing on) is that something is linking to a system library instead of one of the ones installed by a Julia package.

But there are a couple of other things to be aware of. All those gtk-theme errors are likely due to having a misconfigured default GTK theme. I have had similar annoyances which are fixed by putting something like ā€œGTK_THEME=Adwaitaā€ in my environment.

Secondly, if OpenCV is loaded then it may hijack the file loading utilities and put images into structures not handled well by the JuliaImages packages. I would load ImageIO instead.

The theme warnings are annoying, but I donā€™t think they are what makes precompilation fail (at least Iā€™ve had working installations that sometimes emit theme warnings but still work fine). Weā€™ve also confirmed that the failure persists in a fresh environment without OpenCV.

EDIT: I now realize youā€™re not claiming that this may be causing the installation failures, only providing helpful usage tips. Apologies for the curt response.

There you go

denys@PC-Denys:~$ which julia

Great, then at least there shouldnā€™t be an issue with the julia youā€™ve installed.

For what itā€™s worth, I get the same error as you when checking ENV["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"], i.e., that environment variable is not set. But the ImageView installation works for me (Iā€™m currently on macOS though, so not comparable to your situation).

Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t have any further advice to offerā€¦ Letā€™s hope someone else who maybe has a more similar system to you can help out.

Thanks for your time.

Right now I only have 2 options left:

  • I can try different GTK themes and see if the error disappear.
  • I can try X11 instead of Wayland.

Got it!!!

I moved to X11.

sudo vi /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

I commented out the line


restart the system.

All issues have been resolved!

Conclusion: ImageView does not properly support Wayland.

For the parsing warning, I had to revert back to Adwaita theme.

Given that X11 seems to be on its way out, maybe it should be looked at.
@danielwe should I create an issue at ImageView Github repo? Is that the way to do?


Actually, it looks like thereā€™s already an issue for this on the Gtk4.jl repo: Undefined Symbol Ā· Issue #83 Ā· JuliaGtk/Gtk4.jl Ā· GitHub. Iā€™d encourage you to add a comment with your experience there, specifically emphasizing the fact that switching from Wayland to X11 fixed the issue.

I havenā€™t kept up too well with the evolution of Wayland vs X11 adoption lately. Iā€™d be surprised if X11 drops out of support completely in the very near future, but it certainly seems like Wayland is finally becoming the preferred choice for mainstream desktop Linux distros.

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