Can you avoid stating the arguments in an anonymous function?

Background –
For DataFrames, I’d like an easy way to do row-level operations, and use the column names as variable names and have any created variables added automatically as new columns.

in this discussing a nice method was suggested

but it requires writing a function where you have to specify the column names as inputs and outputs.

function f(; a, b, ... )
    c = a + b
    d = a - b
    (; a, b, c, d) 

D = DataFrame( a=[1,2], b=[3.4) )

@chain D begin
       transform( AsTable(:) =>   ByRow(x->f(x...)) => AsTable )

I’d like to avoid re-specifying the column names at all. Something like:

@chain D begin
        ***drop to row level****   begin
            c = a + b
            d = a -  b