Can Makie plots be dimension agnostic?

Hoping to show GLMakie can do something similar to ganja.js in displaying an interactive demonstration of the projective geometric algebra inverse kinematics algorithm (in the demonstration, a user drags around the target and the robot arm follows), I added a function iik() (i.e., interactive inverse kinematics) and it works:

 # pga2d3d_ik.jl
# interactive graphical demo of Inverse Kinematics
using GLMakie

# translate distance along line
function xlator(line::Vector{Float32},dist::Number) 
#	return 1 - dist/2*(e0*normalize(line)*!e0)
	return ga"1 - dist/2 (e0 normalize(line) e0∗)"

# inverse kinematics algorithm; plot of convergence rate
# arguments:
# - coordinates of target
# - number of links in robot arm
function ik(target::Vector{Float64}=[2.5,2.,0.], nLink::Int64=6)
	nEP = nLink + 1	# number of link endpoints
	armLength = 3	# max reach of robot arm
	# initialize figure
	fig = Figure(resolution = (1800, 800))
	C = ["red"; "green"; "blue"] # line colors
	LIM = (-2,3, -2.5,2.5)
	YTIC = (-2:1:2)
	AX = [
		Axis(fig[1,1], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1,
			title = "1. initial endpoints,\n" *
				"the target is separate from robot arm");
		Axis(fig[1,2], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1,
			title = "2. endpoints after 1st pass\n" *
				"of backward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[1,3], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1, 
			title = "3. endpoints after 1st pass\n" *
				"of forward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[1,4], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1,
			title = "4. endpoints after 2nd pass\n" *
				"of backward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[1,5], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1, 
			title = "5. endpoints after 2nd pass\n" *
				"of forward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[2,2], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1,
			title = "6. endpoints after 3rd pass\n" *
				"of backward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[2,3], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1, 
			title = "7. endpoints after 3rd pass\n" *
				"of forward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[2,4], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1,
			title = "8. endpoints after 4th pass\n" *
				"of backward relaxation");
		Axis(fig[2,5], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1, 
			title = "9. endpoints after 4th pass\n" *
				"of forward relaxation");
	# allocate endpoint PGA expressions
	# (appended endpoint in last column is target)
	PX = Matrix{Float32}(undef, (length(e0),nEP+1))
	# define link endpoints
	linkLength::Float32 = armLength / nLink
	for iEP = 1:nEP
#		PX[:,iEP] = !(e0 + (iEP*linkLength - 1.5)*e1)
		PX[:,iEP] = ga"(e0 + (iEP linkLength - 1.5) e1)∗"
	PX[:,nEP+1] = point(target[1], target[2], target[3])
	# plot link endpoints and target point
	P = toPlot(PX)
	iAx = 1
	scatterlines!(AX[iAx], P[1:3,1:nEP], color="black")
	scatterlines!(AX[iAx], # target point is at end
		[P[1,end]], [P[2,end]], [P[3,end]],
	# plot results of each relaxation loop
	for iRelax = 1:4
		# set tip to target, changing length of last link
		PX[:,nEP] = PX[:,nEP+1]
		P = toPlot(PX)
		# restore link lengths from back to front
		iAx += 1
			P[1:3,1:nEP], color = "light gray")
		for jLink = 1:nEP-2
			i = nEP - jLink
			iColor = mod(jLink-1,3) + 1
#			XL = xlator( # define translation along line
#				PX[:,i+1] & PX[:,i], linkLength)
#			PX[:,i] = XL >>> PX[:,i+1] # perform translation
			XL = xlator(ga"PX[:,i+1] ∨ PX[:,i]", linkLength)
			PX[:,i] = ga"XL PX[:,i+1] ~XL" # perform translation
			P = toPlot(PX)
			if i > 2
					P[1:3,i:i+1], color = C[iColor])
					P[1:3,i-1:i+1], color = C[iColor])
		# restore link lengths from front to back
		iAx += 1
			P[1:3,1:nEP], color = "light gray")
		for i = 2:nEP
			iColor = mod(i-2,3) + 1
#			XL = xlator( # define translation along line
#				PX[:,i-1] & PX[:,i], linkLength)
#			PX[:,i] = XL >>> PX[:,i-1] # perform translation
			XL = xlator(ga"PX[:,i-1] ∨ PX[:,i]", linkLength)
			PX[:,i] = ga"XL PX[:,i-1] ~XL" # perform translation
			P = toPlot(PX)
				P[1:3,i-1:i], color = C[iColor])

function ik_solver(PX::Matrix{Float32},linkLength::Float32)
	nEP = size(PX,2) - 1 # -1 because last column is target
	# for each relaxation pass
	for iRelax = 1:4
		# set tip to target, changing length of last link
		PX[:,nEP] = PX[:,nEP+1]
		# restore link lengths from back to front
		for jLink = 1:nEP-2
			i = nEP - jLink
#			XL = xlator( # define translation along line
#				PX[:,i+1] & PX[:,i], linkLength)
#			PX[:,i] = XL >>> PX[:,i+1] # perform translation
			XL = xlator(ga"PX[:,i+1] ∨ PX[:,i]", linkLength)
			PX[:,i] = ga"XL PX[:,i+1] ~XL" # perform translation
		# restore link lengths from front to back
		for i = 2:nEP
#			XL = xlator( # define translation along line
#				PX[:,i-1] & PX[:,i], linkLength)
#			PX[:,i] = XL >>> PX[:,i-1] # perform translation
			XL = xlator(ga"PX[:,i-1] ∨ PX[:,i]", linkLength)
			PX[:,i] = ga"XL PX[:,i-1] ~XL" # perform translation

# interactive inverse kinematics
# arguments:
# - coordinates of target of robot arm
# - number of links in robot arm
function iik(target::Vector{Float64}=[2.5,2.,0.], nLink::Int64=6)
	nEP = nLink + 1	# number of link endpoints
	armLength = 3	# max reach of robot arm

	# initialize figure
	fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 800))
	LIM = (-2,3, -2.5,2.5)
	YTIC = (-2:1:2)
	ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1], limits=LIM, yticks=YTIC, aspect=1,
		title = "Interactive demonstration of inverse kinematics algorithm.\n" *
			"(The target point is initially separated from the robot arm.\n" *
			"Drag that target point around to see how the robot arm reacts.)")

	# allocate and define endpoint PGA expressions
	# (appended endpoint in last column is target)
	PX = Matrix{Float32}(undef, (length(e0),nEP+1))
	linkLength::Float32 = armLength / nLink
	ANCHOR = [-1; 0; 0]
	for iEP = 1:nEP
#		PX[:,iEP] = !(e0 + ((iEP-1)*linkLength + ANCHOR[1])*e1)
		PX[:,iEP] = ga"(e0 + ((iEP-1) linkLength + ANCHOR[1]) e1)∗"
	PX[:,nEP+1] = point(target[1], target[2], target[3])

	# calculate inverse kinematics
	ik_solver(PX, linkLength)
	P = toPlot(PX) # convert PGA expressions to Euclidean coordinates

	# define observables for plotting
	RDATA = Observable(P[1:3,1:nEP]) # robot coordinates
	TDATA = Observable([ANCHOR P[1:3,end]]) # target coordinates

	# plot robot and target coordinates
	scatterlines!(ax1, RDATA, color="black")
	scatter!(ax1, TDATA, color="red")

	deregister_interaction!(ax1, :rectanglezoom)
	register_interaction!(ax1, :my_mouse_interaction) do event::MouseEvent, axis
		if Makie.is_mouseinside(ax1.scene)
			if event.type === MouseEventTypes.leftdrag
				PX[:,end] = point([1],[2], 0)
				P = toPlot(PX)
				RDATA[] = P[1:3,1:nEP] # update the plotted observables to 
				TDATA[] = [ANCHOR P[1:3,end]] # automatically update the plot

However, after reading this recent post, I realized that I too was unknowingly using a very old version (0.4.4) of GLMakie:

(@v1.8) pkg> status GLMakie
Status `C:\Users\gsgm2\.julia\environments\v1.8\Project.toml`
⌃ [e9467ef8] GLMakie v0.4.4

julia> Pkg.update()
    Updating registry at `C:\Users\gsgm2\.julia\registries\General.toml`
   Installed GR_jll ─ v0.71.3+0
   Installed PyCall ─ v1.95.0
   Installed Plots ── v1.38.1
   Installed GR ───── v0.71.3
  Downloaded artifact: GR
    Updating `C:\Users\gsgm2\.julia\environments\v1.8\Project.toml`
  [91a5bcdd] ↑ Plots v1.38.0 ⇒ v1.38.1
    Updating `C:\Users\gsgm2\.julia\environments\v1.8\Manifest.toml`
  [28b8d3ca] ↑ GR v0.71.2 ⇒ v0.71.3
  [91a5bcdd] ↑ Plots v1.38.0 ⇒ v1.38.1
  [438e738f] ↑ PyCall v1.94.1 ⇒ v1.95.0
  [d2c73de3] ↑ GR_jll v0.71.2+0 ⇒ v0.71.3+0
    Building PyCall → `C:\Users\gsgm2\.julia\scratchspaces\44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f\b32c4b415f41f10c671cba02ae3275027dea8892\build.log`
Precompiling project...
  5 dependencies successfully precompiled in 44 seconds. 262 already precompiled.
[ Info: We haven't cleaned this depot up for a bit, running Pkg.gc()...
      Active manifest files: 2 found
      Active artifact files: 115 found
      Active scratchspaces: 13 found
     Deleted no artifacts, repos, packages or scratchspaces

julia> Pkg.status("GLMakie")
Status `C:\Users\gsgm2\.julia\environments\v1.8\Project.toml`
⌃ [e9467ef8] GLMakie v0.4.4
Info Packages marked with ⌃ have new versions available and may be upgradable.


What is the best practice for updating to a newer version of the GLMakie package?