Bayesian Model Selection

I think the problem is that you are supposed to add your distribution and data to the code. For example,

lpfun ​=​ ​function​ ​f​(chain​::​Chains​) ​#​ function to compute the logpdf values​
    niter, nparams, nchains ​=​ ​size​(chain)
    lp ​=​ ​zeros​(niter ​+​ nchains) ​#​ resulting logpdf values​
    ​for​ i ​=​ ​1​:​nparams
        lp ​+=​ ​map​(p ​->​ ​logpdf​(BinomialLogit(p...), your_data), ​Array​(chain[:,i,:]))
    ​return​ lp
DIC, pD ​=​ ​dic​(chn, lpfun)

However, I think this API might be difficult for users. It might be better to do something like this:

DIC, pD ​=​ ​dic​(chn, distribution_object, the_data)

Under my proposal, the function dic would create the lpfun function and perform the calculations as normal. This way the user does not need to modify functions.

@cpfiffer, would this be a better way to compute DIC or did I misunderstand the documentation?