Ok, so using Memoize.jl it’s not too bad until you get to the clincher… If you’re ok with a finite difference approximation, then it’s doable… let’s see what happens.
Using the hard stuff here, already;)
But, OTOH derivatives are somehow recursive too…
That’s what the finite differences approach leverages to get O(N)
Yes, it seems to be the way. I’ll will implement it and share the results here.
No need, start with this:
using Memoize
@memoize function wanddw(n,t,p)
if n < 0
error("wanddw: n must be an integer > 0")
if n == 0
if t < -1
return (complex(0.0),complex(0.0))
elseif t <= 1
return ((exp(p+p*t) - 1.0)/p, (t+1)*exp(p+p*t)/p - (exp(p+p*t)-1)/p^2)
return (2*exp(p*t)*sinh(p)/p, 2*sinh(p)*t*exp(p*t)/p - 2*sinh(p)*exp(p*t)/p^2 +2*cosh(p)*exp(p*t)/p)
elseif n == 1
t < -1 && return (complex(0.),complex(0.))
t <= 1 && return (-(1.0+exp(p+p*t)*(p-1)+p*t)/p^2, (-(p-1.0)*(t+1)*exp(p*t+p)-exp(p*t+p)-t)/p^2 - 2*((-(p-1)*exp(p*t+p)-p*t-1)/p^3))
return (-2.0*exp(p*t)*(p*cosh(p)-sinh(p))/p^2, -(2.0*(p*cosh(p)-sinh(p))*t*exp(p*t)/p^2)-2.0*sinh(p)*exp(p*t)/p - 4.0*(p*cosh(p)-sinh(p))*exp(p*t)/p^3)
elseif n >= 2
(wprev,dwprev) = wanddw(n-1,t,p)
(wprev2,dwprev2) = wanddw(n-2,t,p)
(wprev2d, dwprev2d) = wanddw(n-2,t,p+complex(0.0125,.0125))
return (2*t*wprev - 2*dwprev-wprev2, 2*t*dwprev - (dwprev2d-dwprev2)/complex(0.0125,0.0125))
The finite difference is hard coded, so you’ll want to fix that, but it returns IMMEDIATELY.
I used Maxima to get the symbolic derivatives for the base cases (because I’m lazy).
Thanks! I like the idea of returning both the value and the derivative in the same function for extra memoization efficiency!
I wonder if I can get this to work in terms of accuracy.
Thank you very much again.
It was fun! I think you just add the finite difference step size as a parameter and then use that in the code. Let us know how it works out, show some graphs or something.
I did that, and then tried it like this:
julia> wanddw(4,.1,complex(-.1),.0005)
(0.2959821757039954 - 0.0015914894716217987im, 0.4360000703131307 + 0.002182010051928633im)
julia> wanddw(4,.1,complex(-.1),.00005)
(0.2959821757039954 - 0.0015914894716217987im, 0.43592222276367454 + 0.0021033784685235563im)
julia> wanddw(4,.1,complex(-.1),.000005)
(0.2959821757039954 - 0.0015914894716217987im, 0.43591441315285184 + 0.002095691848207612im)
so at least as the step size gets smaller, it isn’t doing anything much
here’s the code with the dp:
using Memoize
@memoize function wanddw(n,t,p,dp)
if n < 0
error("wanddw: n must be an integer > 0")
if n == 0
if t < -1
return (complex(0.0),complex(0.0))
elseif t <= 1
return ((exp(p+p*t) - 1.0)/p, (t+1)*exp(p+p*t)/p - (exp(p+p*t)-1)/p^2)
return (2*exp(p*t)*sinh(p)/p, 2*sinh(p)*t*exp(p*t)/p - 2*sinh(p)*exp(p*t)/p^2 +2*cosh(p)*exp(p*t)/p)
elseif n == 1
t < -1 && return (complex(0.),complex(0.))
t <= 1 && return (-(1.0+exp(p+p*t)*(p-1)+p*t)/p^2, (-(p-1.0)*(t+1)*exp(p*t+p)-exp(p*t+p)-t)/p^2 - 2*((-(p-1)*exp(p*t+p)-p*t-1)/p^3))
return (-2.0*exp(p*t)*(p*cosh(p)-sinh(p))/p^2, -(2.0*(p*cosh(p)-sinh(p))*t*exp(p*t)/p^2)-2.0*sinh(p)*exp(p*t)/p - 4.0*(p*cosh(p)-sinh(p))*exp(p*t)/p^3)
elseif n >= 2
(wprev,dwprev) = wanddw(n-1,t,p)
(wprev2,dwprev2) = wanddw(n-2,t,p)
(wprev2d, dwprev2d) = wanddw(n-2,t,p+complex(dp,dp))
return (2*t*wprev - 2*dwprev-wprev2, 2*t*dwprev - (dwprev2d-dwprev2)/complex(dp,dp))
Even order 100 returns immediately, thanks to Memoization.jl !
julia> wanddw(100,.1,complex(-.1),.000005)
(6.329687336395586e86 - 2.2156952437460406e86im, -3.069266938528541e90 + 4.369343530297239e90im)
For what it’s worth, the above code is not numerically stable (and contains an error). I found another way to calculate the convolution analytically and use the recursive function to define the partial derivative with respect to p. Thanks again for the help!