Assigning JuMP VariableRef to an array position

Oh okay, but I have a small issue now.

@variable(m, delta0)

amort = delta0/T

bal = Vector{JuMP.VariableRef}(undef, 100)

bal[1] = delta0
for i = 2:100
	bal[i] = bal[i-1] - amort

I can now assign a decision variable to the first array position bal[1], but for the following positions from [2] onwards, I need to deduct a certain value amort. But I get an error MethodError: Cannot convert an object of type GenericAffExpr{Float64,VariableRef} to an object of type VariableRef
So I asked about this in a previous post and someone advised to use regular zeros array, and that allowed me to subtract amort from bal[1]. So I have this dilemma, where I need a JuMP array for decision variable storage, but also need the properties of a zeros array, and am not sure what to do.
If someone can please help, it would be greatly appreciated. This is the link to my other related question:
