[ANN] Write Excel files with XLSX.jl v0.2.0

Hi there!

It looks like this problem is not with XLSX but with this line

sheet["C2:C61"] = value.(B)

specifically the function value not being known as the ERROR message suggests: “no method matching value(::Float64)”. What was the function there for?

For me sheet["C2:C61"] wouldn’t work (although it did in an example) but replacing the above line with this:

sheet["C2", dim = 1] = B

seemed to work the way you intended it.

Finally, I think it could benefit your post if you read this suggestions to improve posts for help. In this case, for example, quoting your code, making sure it runs if someone want’s to try it (I happened to know I need to import Distributions but maybe that’s not the case for everyone), or creating a separate thread for your question.

Best of luck with your code!