[ANN] Rembus.jl

Really intriguing work! Incidentally, Rembus fulfills a need in a project of mine that has, so far, been unresolved; I’d also like to put my two cents in regarding the license, I would be quick to integrate this if it were to have a more permissive license (but will be checking it out regardless).

Regarding Visor, however, I see that it’s MIT licensed and I’m very excited to integrate this into my work, thank you very much for the great package and documentation!

I have made attempts at utilizing Julia for a process-based distributed system, but haven’t had success up to this point. Actors.jl has some very good work and come closest to the process philosophy I’ve looked for but contributions have slowed, and its API is very thorough but also complex. And then there is Nats.jl which integrates the NATS messaging system into a Julia package. While NATS is an impressive communication system, there is still a gap in Julia’s ecosystem, that of a robust task supervisor.

Visor appears to most closely adhere to the Erlang-esque process management philosophy, and recent history seems to suggest that Erlang has the philosophy to beat. I’m pleased with the simplicity of the integration with Julia and the simplicity of the API. Thank you again for the great work, I’m excited to try it out!

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