[ANN] PythonCall and JuliaCall

I’ve tried using PythonCall + CondaPkg from pluto notebooks. Everything basically works fine: packages get installed and imported, plots displayed:


The packages themselves seem to exist in a single copy in ~/.julia/scratchspaces even if I create multiple notebooks that use matplotlib - they don’t duplicate for each notebook. I don’t really understand how this works though…

Still, new directories in /tmp are created for each new notebook run. They are created by Pluto, but Pluto only puts Project & Manifest files there that don’t take any noticeable space. “Apparent sizes” of those temporary dirs (speicifcally, the .CondaPkg subdirs) are 1 Gb, but actually most of the files are hardlinks I assume: each dir adds 150 Mb to disk usage, not 1 Gb. Is it possible to remove this duplication?

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