[ANN] PythonCall and JuliaCall

Yes, a huge pain point in PyPlot.jl was also trying to select/install a working Matplotlib backend by default.

Thanks for your efforts on PythonCall and JuliaCall, BTW. When I created PyCall eight years ago, it was an urgent need to compensate for the relative paucity of Julia packages, but some types of interoperability were still difficult due to Julia limitations. For example, I spent years bugging @jeff.bezanson about dot overloading every time I ran into him, which we finally got 4 years later. Zero-based arrays were not well supported in Julia, and in general it was tricky to decide which Python types should be converted to native Julia types (for convenience) vs wrapped (for efficiency & flexibility) — in hindsight, with the Julia features we have now, I would have left more Python types as-is except for types with lossless round-trip conversions. The very first version of pyjulia was written by Fernando Perez as an “IPython magic”, but it was years before anyone would want to think about calling Julia from Python as more than a cool demo. And, while PyCall could originally link to any libpython at runtime, it had to be switched to build-time configuration in order to improve load times; fortunately, Julia’s loading speed has improved since then.

Nowadays, the need to call Python code from Julia is less urgent, though I still am in the habit of using Matplotlib, while the desire to call Julia code from Python in “real” code is growing, and it seems reasonable to re-think many of the design choices that originally went into PyCall. Meanwhile, I haven’t had as much time for PyCall development effort, and while we’ve toyed with the idea of a “PyCall 2.0”, it would be disruptive enough that it’s about as easy to switch to a completely new package. So I’m quite happy to see people actively working on an alternative re-design, and hope that the existing PyCall and PyPlot are helpful in this process.