[ANN] Gaston v1.0.0 -- Plotting using gnuplot

works like a charm (and so fast!)

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Good to know! Are you using the aqua terminal? If yes, then I will make it the default on MacOs in the next release.

Yup, I am. I tried a few others. aqua, caca, cgm, domterm seem to work fine. cairolatex and canvas didn’t (maybe expectedly)

EDIT: actually, only aqua seems to work. caca and cgm got gnuplot error messages, and domterm doesn’t seem to produce a plot.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve opened issues https://github.com/mbaz/Gaston.jl/issues/153 and https://github.com/mbaz/Gaston.jl/issues/154.

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:astonished: At that time Julia must be out officialy for a month or so. In the month I won’t be able to learn any language to the point to start new project. Probably to the point that I can write without learning materials any program more complicated that “Hello World”. I’m very impresed. Also, I would most probably not decided to use such new and untested in real life language.

Also, I know that some people who here about Julia by the word of mouth starts using it even in 2011 or something like that, so there is no reason to not belive you.

This is the HN post in which I learned about Julia: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3606380

At the time I started Gaston, Winston.jl already existed, but I wasn’t aware of it until later (no JuliaHub in those days).

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I’ve been using Gaston for about a week now and it’s working great. It’s super fast, the plots look nice, and it’s well-integrated with Julia. Kudos!

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Great package! Any plans for adding this as a back-end to Plots.jl?

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Thank you for the feedback :smiley:

Thank you! I’m not planning to write a Plots.jl back-end myself, but I’d love to see someone write one.


If I finally learn Plots.jl, I will try. But, this is very big IF.

Good news: @isentropic has a WIP PR for a Gaston backend: https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Plots.jl/pull/3177


I was very reluctant to learn Plots.jl too, but try using it for a few days exclusively, you’d see the benefits of very intuitive synatx