Nice work. You can also retrieve fama french factor data via wrds following this thread:
Below is a snippet of the codes:
#Querying WRDS Data using Julia
#load required packages
using LibPQ, Tables, DataFrames
#1. connect to wrds
wrds = LibPQ.Connection("""
host =
port = 9737
user='wrds account'
password='wrds password'
sslmode = 'require'
dbname = wrds
#2. determine the datasets within the fama french (ff) library:
res = execute(wrds, "SELECT distinct table_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema='ff'
ORDER BY table_name")
data = DataFrame(columntable(res))
res = 0
#3. Fama French 4 factors
res = execute(wrds, "SELECT * FROM ff.factors_daily
WHERE date BETWEEN '1991-01-01' AND '2018-12-31'")
data = DataFrame(columntable(res))
res = 0