[ANN] Meshes.jl - Computational Geometry in Julia

Meshes.jl v0.18 is out with new algorithms, tons of improvements and bug fixes:


A few breaking changes that deserve extra attention:

  • Coordinates of points constructed with Integer literals in expressions such as Point(1, 2) are converted to Float64. Most algorithms in geometric processing assume a continuous R^n and passing discrete Integer coordinates just leads to InexactError everywhere. This will improve the experience of first-time users of the language who are not familiar with its rich type system.

  • Intersection algorithms between two geometries g1 and g2 now allow a first argument function intersecttype(f, g1, g2) that is applied to the return value to force type stability. This is Andrey’s trick to handle heterogeneous return types. Although we’ve implemented this feature in this release, we are still considering alternative designs for type-stable intersections in future releases. This issue is being discussed here.

If you would like to get involved, check the good first issue label in our issue tracker.